Introducing… Enviro-Tees!
You read that right – your favorite manufacturer of high-quality USA made canvas tote bags is now offering high-quality sourced USA made cotton T-shirts!
You read that right – your favorite manufacturer of high-quality USA made canvas tote bags is now offering high-quality sourced USA made cotton T-shirts!
Enviro-Tote Reusable Tote Bags can now be found on Amazon in quantities of 25! What does this mean for you?
Here is how you can order customizable USA Made totes using our website!
Printing on canvas is much different than printing on t-shirts or other materials. It is very coarse! To ensure your design will print as clearly as possible, follow these simple requirements when designing or submitting your art:
2017 has been an exciting year for us. We launched our new website where you can customize and order totes online for the first time. We’ve just moved into a brand new facility to accommodate our rapid growth. And now, we’re pleased to introduce 6 new styles of tote bags! Here’s a snapshot of our […]
Since 2012, Manufacturing has been celebrated all over America on Manufacturing Day, the first Friday in October. This year it is on Friday October 6.
Important updates for the week of July 3-7, 2017