How to Clean Your Reusable Tote Bags

Enviro-Tote understands that there is currently a great deal of uncertainty surrounding how to protect your everyday products such as tote bags against harmful bacteria. As a result, it is important to us now more than ever that we provide you with information on how to properly disinfect your tote bag without compromising the integrity of the material.

Cleaning Your Tote Bag

Below are a couple of ways in which you can effectively clean your tote bags following regular use:

  • Place tote bag in the washing machine on a warm water setting
  • Wash with laundry detergent
  • After washing, if placing your tote bag in the dryer be sure to use a normal heat setting

Our team has confirmed that if washed properly, this does not affect the quality of the tote bag. Included below are photos taken before and after washing Enviro-Tote products:


FUZE Anti-Microbial Spray Treatment

We have very exciting news to share with you! Enviro-Tote is now offering a FUZE anti-microbial spray treatment that can be applied to any of our available tote bags or aprons. We imagine that you have questions about what FUZE is and the advantages associated with using this treatment on our tote bag materials. Just a few of the major benefits of FUZE include:

  • Mechanically kills harmful pathogens
  • Mechanically kills odor-causing bacteria
  • Eliminates and prevents growth of mold or fungus
  • Reflects and refracts UV wavelengths
  • Salt corrosion protection
  • Enhances evaporation speed for temperature regulation

Enviro-Tote is working with FUZE Biotech to immediately incorporate a safe and sustainable way to keep our products free of harmful pathogens. Moving forward, any tote bags or aprons purchased will have the option to include the FUZE anti-microbial material.

Although our overall goal is to provide you with a quality, environmentally friendly tote bag, we also want to ensure the health and well-being of our clients. Enviro-Tote is thrilled to propose a safe and sustainable solution by offering FUZE anti-microbial treated totes and proper bag sanitization.

For more information on our tote bags and aprons, please visit: or email

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