Gift bags are great to have handy for your business any time of the year. Add your company logo or special design to that gift bag, and now it doubles as a marketing item that will serve as a reusable tote bag for years to come! With many different sizes and styles to choose from, we have laid out some of the more popular reusable gift bag ideas available to you.
Everyday Tote Bag
There are many great features about the Everyday Tote Bag. It is the perfect size to fill with gifts and other goodies to share with customers, clients, employees, and others. Because of their roomy design, the recipient can take this versatile tote with them anywhere!
Shoulder Tote Bag
The Shoulder Tote Bag is one of our best-selling bags! When you think of tote bags, this is typically the size and style that pops into your head. With its roomy design, you can stock these full of gifts, making the Shoulder Tote double as a great gift bag.
Wine Tote Bag
Who does not need a sturdy wine tote in their lives? Use this bag to give the gift of 1, 2, 4, or 6 bottles of wine! With four different Wine Tote Bag sizes available, this makes for a perfect reusable gift bag! A bonus: with their durable Made in USA design, these bags can be reused for years.
Drawtop Backpack
What is better than a reusable gift bag? How about one that provides a hands-free option? Think of the Drawtop Backpack as your own little Santa sack! With both a small and a large size option, both options will provide plenty of space to tuck away gifts. Plus, these bags are great for travel, outdoor, and school!
Need assistance with reusable gift bag ideas for your business? Our Sales Team would be happy to answer any questions that you may have regarding style and design options.